Hire Keith

Hire Keith to produce your documentary or feature film:

Includes producer/director, cinematographer, and editor

Producer and cinematographer travel to your event or locations

Film and interview 20 participants if at a live event

Travel back from event (next day)

Producer and Editor edit the film and trailers

Produce and send all files for film (multiple format sizes) and trailers

Send hard drive with all files for film and trailers (as a backup)


Hire Keith to Speak at Your Event:  

Always engaging, entertaining, and inspiring! Keith Leon S. is a master at delivering exactly what the crowds need hear.

Focused on the Law of Attraction, Law of Correspondence, and Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, and his inspiring personal story of living through 8 near death experiences, Keith always delivers the message that we are all connected to a part of us that knows the answer to every question, and that we all make a difference in the lives of others on a daily basis.

$25,000 / hr for Domestic events.
$50,000 / hr for International events.
(Plus first-class travel for 2 and hotel accommodations in a Suite).

Media and Performance Requests Contact:
Dea Shandera-Hunter, 747.239.1715 | 310.699.7880 | deashandera@yahoo.com